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Cooley Cemetery Trail

Location: Guntersville, Ala.
Reservoir: Guntersville
Difficulty: Moderate
Distance: 6 miles, one way
Coordinates: 34.418224, -86.405146

  • Biking
  • Horseback Riding
  • Hiking
  • Camping
  • Parking

If you want to develop some endurance this is a good trail to pursue on foot or wheels—or you can experience it from horseback. There are two standing chimneys along this trail from old homesites that were in existence before the dam was built. The trail also provides access to some great fishing sites for those who like to fish form the shore. The trail is on the south side of Guntersville Dam, about 6.5 miles north of Guntersville, Ala., off Hwy. 69. Secondary trailhead can be reached from the end of Manchester Dr.

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Topographical Maps

Most of the trails are overlaid on topographic (or topo) maps. Topo maps are an attempt to show real variations in elevation on a flat map. If you know how to read a topo map, the map itself can tell you a lot. Here are a few tips to help you out.

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TVA manages more than 30 public trails (almost 180 miles) along the Tennessee River and its tributaries and on reservoir lands. You can help us by protecting and monitoring the trails to instill a legacy of conservation. Learn how to volunteer.