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A Guide to Information About The Tennessee Valley Authority

This guide is to help members of the public who are seeking information about TVA. It offers a variety of TVA sources for information such as annual and quarterly reports, bond offerings, energy services, reservoir levels, library services, general inquiries and more.

Some General Questions

What is TVA?

The Tennessee Valley Authority ("TVA") is a corporate agency and instrumentality of the United States ("U.S.") that was created in 1933 by legislation enacted by the U.S. Congress in response to a request by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. TVA was created to, among other things, improve navigation on the Tennessee River, reduce the damage from destructive flood waters within the Tennessee River system and downstream on the lower Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, further the economic development of TVA’s service area in the southeastern United States and sell the electricity generated at the facilities TVA operates. Today, TVA operates the nation’s largest public power system and supplies power in most of Tennessee, northern Alabama, northeastern Mississippi, and southwestern Kentucky and in portions of northern Georgia, western North Carolina and southwestern Virginia to a population of over nine million people.

What kind of information is available from TVA?

Information available from TVA includes material on the following topics:

  • TVA dams and power plants
  • Production of electric power
  • Flood control
  • River navigation on the Tennessee River and tributary streams
  • Land and water management
  • Economic development in the Tennessee Valley region
  • Environmental research
  • TVA financial information
  • Recreation on TVA-managed lands and lakes
  • TVA employment

Does TVA have a Web page?

Yes. The address for TVA's Web page is tva.com.

What are some examples of information requests frequently received by TVA?

  • Journalists and writers can call TVA Media Relations at 865-632-6000 with inquiries or for the latest information about a developing story involving TVA, or visit our online Newsroom.
  • Investors and others in need of financial information—including annual and quarterly reports and information about TVA bonds and notes—can call toll-free at 888-882-4975 or 888-882-4967 (outside the U.S.), or send an email to [email protected]. They can also access TVA’s Investor Resources online.
  • Current information about TVA reservoir levels, stream flow, and rainfall is available by phone toll-free at 800-238-2264, on our Lake Levels pages, and through a mobile app for iPhone and Android devices.
  • For more information about these topics, as well as other information TVA can provide, see the Descriptions of Information Sources section (below). It will tell you how and where to find most of the types of information TVA can help you with.

If I'm still not sure, who to call…

If you're still unsure how to find the information you need, you can ask a TVA operator for assistance by calling one of the following numbers:

  • In Knoxville, Tennessee: 865-632-2101
  • In Chattanooga, Tennessee: 423-751-0011
  • In Muscle Shoals, Alabama: 256-386-2601

Or you can email TVA at [email protected] with a description of what you need.

How can I get a copy of this guide?

Printed copies of this "Guide to Information about the Tennessee Valley Authority" are available from Denise Smith, TVA's FOIA Officer, by phone at 865-632-6945, by fax at 865-632-6901 or by email at [email protected].

Information sources within TVA

For more about the information sources listed below, see the next section: Descriptions of Information Sources within TVA. Also, see the Freedom of Information Act section at the end of this guide.

  • Contracting Information
  • Employment
  • Energy Services (EnergyRight Solutions)
  • Financial
  • Reservoir Information Line
  • Media Inquiries
  • Power Generation
  • Recreation Area Schedule for TVA Reservoirs
  • Regional Natural Heritage Project
  • Surplus Material
  • Shoreline Property/TVA Land
  • TVA History and Library
  • Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

Descriptions of Information Sources within TVA

Contracting Information

Vendors with active TVA contracts or interest in new TVA contracting opportunities can call TVA's Procurement organization at 865-632-4700 or send an email to [email protected].


Information about employment at TVA is available on our Careers pages.

You'll find information on the following employment-related topics:            

  • Current employment opportunities
  • TVA's technical training programs
  • How to apply
  • Employee benefits
  • Work locations
  • The Tennessee Valley

To apply for a position that is currently available, apply online through our Career Gateway.

Energy Services (TVA's EnergyRight Web page)

Information about the EnergyRight program, developed by TVA and local power companies, can be found on the Web at energyright.com. These sites mirror each other, and include information about energy-efficient homes, home energy-savings tips and comparisons of home energy costs. They also features direct lines to many of TVA’s local power company partners.


Financial information about TVA, including financial reports, TVA corporate governance, investment opportunities and more is available on our Investor Relations pages. Requests also can be emailed to [email protected].

You can also write or phone TVA's Investor Relations organization:

TVA Treasury/Investor Relations
400 W. Summit Hill Drive, WT 4C
Knoxville, Tennessee 37902
888-882-4975 (toll-free)
888-882-4967 (outside the U.S.)

Reservoir Information Line

TVA offers a 24-hour automated information service on lake levels, tributary flows and expected water releases from TVA dams.

This service is available at the following number to anyone using a touch-tone phone:

  • In Knoxville, Tennessee: 865-632-2264
  • In Chattanooga, Tennessee: 423-751-2264
  • In Muscle Shoals, Alabama: 256-386-2264
  • In all other locations, call toll-free 800-238-2264

Download the TVA Lake Info app from the TVA website for an easy-to-use resource for operating on and around reservoirs and dams in the TVA region.

Media Inquiries

Journalists who have questions about TVA or need help with a story about TVA can call TVA Media Relations at 865-632-6000.

Power Generation

Information about TVA’s power programs is available on our Power System pages

Power generating facilities operated by TVA at September 30, 2014, included 29 conventional hydroelectric sites, one pumped-storage hydroelectric site, 10 coal-fired sites, three nuclear sites, 14 natural gas and/or oil-fired sites, one diesel generator site, 16 solar energy sites, digester gas co-firing capacity at one coal-fired site, biomass co-firing potential (located at coal-fired sites), and one wind energy site.

There are 153 locally owned distributors that sell TVA electricity to about 9 million people and 52 large industrial customers that receive TVA power directly.

Recreation Area Schedule for TVA Reservoirs

Information about opening and closing dates of TVA-managed recreation sites is available on our Recreation pages.

Surplus Material

For information about TVA surplus material and equipment for sale, go here.

Shoreline Property/TVA Land

Information about TVA-managed shoreline property and TVA land—including the names, addresses and phone numbers of the TVA Watershed Team offices to contact for questions or information—is available here

TVA History and Library

Information about TVA history is available on our History and Cultural Resource Management pages.

Historians, researchers and members of the public interested in TVA's history may also contact the TVA Library for assistance. Note: The library is temporarily closed. Please contact [email protected] instead.

Freedom of Information Act

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) provides the public access to TVA agency records. For more information, see the FOIA page.