Driving the Bus
These TVA system operators are constantly on alert to synchronize electricity generation with customer demand.
Working Toward a Cleaner Energy Future
Proposed solar and gas projects in Tennessee and Mississippi could produce nearly 700 megawatts.
Keeping the Fire Burning
TVA's coal plant operator training is a lot of work, but participants love it.
Kingston Slated for Retirement
As TVA leaders shape the site's future, workers reflect on a proud legacy of service to the people of the region.
Megawatts in the Megastorm
TVA’s winter preparedness shines as bitter cold snap fuels record energy demand.
Ackerman Ramps up Efficiency, Winterization
TVA teams are nearing completion on the enterprise’s largest improvement at a gas plant.
Buttoning Up the Winter To-Do List
TVA teams are wrapping up about 3,400 cold-weather upgrades at plants around the Valley region.
The Future at Bull Run
With retirement, this storied fossil plant can become an asset for greener energy.
Honoring a Generation
As TVA retires Bull Run Fossil Plant, employees remember the legacy they helped shape.
Energy on Demand
New aeroderivative technology ensures Johnsonville can quickly generate on-demand power.
Paradise Adds Fast-start Turbines
TVA commissions gas-powered combustion turbines at combined cycle plant in Kentucky.