Comprising members of regional government, customers, academia and advocacy groups, the Regional Resource Stewardship Council (RRSC) helps advise TVA in its efforts to manage the Tennessee River system against competing priorities and still provide maximum recreational benefit for all the residents of the Tennessee Valley.
TVA manages the Tennessee River system and its associated lands to provide multiple benefits for all the people of the TVA region. That’s why it has formed the Regional Resource Stewardship Council, through which the citizens of the region can participate in the important decisions TVA makes regarding the management of the river and its ecosystem.
The Council was first convened in March 2000, and its charter was renewed for a 13th term in August 2024. Since its inception, the Council has provided recommendations and advice to TVA on the agency’s stewardship activities, including reservoir operations, public-land planning and management, water supply, recreation, infrastructure operation, maintenance and emergency preparedness. It has also provided comments on TVA’s public participation efforts.
Council Members
The members of the council represent public and private stakeholders who benefit from TVA’s management of the river system and public lands. Members are nominated by the governors of the seven states in the TVA power service area, the distributors of TVA power, TVA’s directly served customers and other stakeholders. Meet the council members.
The meetings of the council are open to the public. View the proceedings for past meetings.
Federal Guidelines
All meetings are established under the guidelines of the Federal Advisory Committee Act.