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Adopt a TVA Trail

TVA manages more than 30 public trails (more than 180 miles) along the Tennessee River and its tributaries and on reservoir lands. Providing quality recreational opportunities such as hiking, biking and horseback riding is part of our mission of service and helps us make life in the Tennessee Valley better. You can help us by protecting and monitoring the trails to instill a legacy of conservation. Adopters will assist TVA Natural Resources staff by providing information on trail conditions and issues.

Requirements and Responsibilities

Application and training: You'll need to complete TVA Natural Resources Volunteer Application and attend orientation and training. Other restrictions may apply.

Time requirements: You'll be expected to hike adopted trail(s) at least four times a year and submit a report after each trip.

Following completion of training, participant's responsibilities and duties include:

  • Monitoring the site according to the agreed upon schedule;
  • Collecting data and information on site conditions including photographs and filling out monitoring forms after each visit.

Contact: [email protected]