Pickwick Landing
Pickwick Landing Dam is a significant producer of hydroelectric power. It has six generating units with a net dependable capacity of 247 megawatts. The dam has two locks: One measures 110-by-600 feet and the other 110-by-1,000 feet.
Pickwick Reservoir is located in southwest Tennessee. It extends 53 miles south from the dam along the Mississippi-Alabama state line and then east into Alabama. The dam was completed in 1938, and the first two of its six hydroelectric generating units began operation the same year.
Pickwick Landing Dam is a significant producer of hydroelectric power. It provides a flat pool of water that extends eastward to Wilson Dam in Alabama. It covers a portion of the treacherous Muscle Shoals, which once hampered navigation on the Tennessee River.
Pickwick Reservoir has excellent sport-fishing areas, including the Wilson Dam tailwater at the upper end of the reservoir, noted for record-size smallmouth bass and catfish.
Pickwick is also popular for boating and water skiing. A large campground is located below the dam and includes 92 sites with water and electricity (five are accessible sites) and eight tent sites without utilities.
Pickwick: Facts & Figures
- Construction of Pickwick Landing Dam began in 1934 and was completed in 1938.
- The dam is 113 feet high and stretches nearly a mile and a half across the Tennessee River.
- Pickwick Dam is a hydroelectric facility. It has six generating units with a summer net dependable capacity of 247 megawatts. Net dependable capacity is the amount of power a dam can produce on an average day minus the electricity used by the dam itself.
- When Pickwick Reservoir is full during the summer, it has nearly 490 miles of winding shoreline and 43,100 acres of water surface.
- Pickwick has a flood-storage capacity of 492,700 acre-feet.
- To maintain the water depth required for navigation, the minimum winter elevation for the reservoir is 408 feet. The typical summer operating range is between 413 and 414 feet.
- The dam has two locks: One measures 110-by-600 feet and the other 110-by-1,000 feet.
- Pickwick Landing Dam’s first turbine was the largest of its kind in the country when it was installed; its runner was more than 24 feet in diameter. New runners with a more efficient design were installed in the 1980s.
- Find Pickwick Landing Dam on TN Hwy. 128 S. in Pickwick, Tenn.