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The Prompt Notification System

We expect our nuclear plants to operate safely. However, if an emergency occurs at the plant, TVA will inform state officials at once. The Prompt Notification System will help get the news out to the public.

In-depth emergency plans have been prepared by TVA, the states of Tennessee and Alabama and your local emergency management agency. These plans are in place to protect your health and safety, and this website is a part of those plans because we want you to be prepared, know what the sirens mean and know what you should do if you hear them.

If needed, the Prompt Notification System will be activated quickly to inform the public of any potential threat. The Prompt Notification System uses sirens and tone-alert radios to notify the public to tune their radios or televisions to an Emergency Alert System (EAS) station. The EAS station will provide information and emergency instructions for the public to follow.

The Emergency Alert System includes local radio and television stations, NOAA weather radio and the cable-TV interrupt system. Fixed sirens provide coverage out to approximately 10 miles around TVA nuclear plants. If you hear the sirens, tune to a local radio or television station for news and instructions.

The fixed sirens can be heard within a 10-mile radius of the nuclear plant. If needed, the Prompt Notification System will be activated to quickly inform you and the rest of the public of any potential threat. The sirens and other warning systems are operated by your local emergency management agency.

The sirens are operated by the Tennessee Emergency Management Agency (TEMA) for Sequoyah and Watts Bar Nuclear Plants.  For Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, the sirens are operated by the Alabama counties surrounding the facility.

If you note a problem with one of the sirens, please notify your county or state emergency management agency using the numbers listed on our emergency preparedness pages.