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Carbon Dioxide

TVA's 2023 system Carbon-emission rate of 624.94 lbs/MWh. This rate includes emissions and generation from TVA generating assets and purchased power. The CO2 rates disclosed reflect TVA's 2023 renewable energy credit (REC) adjustment, which resulted in a reduction of 2.76  percent in the CO2 lbs/MWh. For formal disclosure of customer CO2 rates appropriate for carbon accounting purposes, please contact TVA or your local power company directly.

As the nation's largest public power company, TVA delivers reliable and competitively priced power to 153 local power distributors, 54 large industrial customers and seven federal installations.

These customers are interested in the CO2 intensity (or "carbon footprint") of the power they're buying. In addition, many stakeholders are interested in comparing the CO2 performance of various electric utilities of different sizes.

As a service, TVA provides as-delivered CO2 emission rates to its customers and stakeholders in a manner consistent with generally accepted carbon accounting standards, such as the Climate Registry's Electric Power Sector Protocol for the Voluntary Reporting Program and the new World Resources Institute and World Business Council for Sustainable Development's Greenhouse Gas Protocol's Scope 2 Guidance.

About TVA-Specific CO2 lbs/MWh Emission Rates

TVA’s 2023 system carbon-emission rate of 624.94 lbs/MWh. This rate includes emissions and generation from TVA generating assets and purchased power.

Consistent with generally accepted voluntary carbon accounting standards and in response to customer requests, TVA annually allocates actual CO2 emissions to customers in the same manner as it allocates costs.

Formal disclosure of customer CO2 rates appropriate for carbon accounting purposes can be found under the Current Rates & Disclosures button.

The CO2 rates disclosed reflect TVA’s 2023 renewable energy credit adjustment, which resulted in a reduction of 2.76 percent in the CO2 lbs/MWh. TVA’s rate is significantly lower than EPA’s current eGRID (2022) national (823.49 CO2 lbs/MWh) and regional (933.07 CO2 lbs/MWh) rates.

CO2 Emissions at TVA-Operated Plants, 1995-2023

Data includes emissions from units rated at less than 25 megawatts.
To view or export the data, click on the menu in the top-right corner of the chart.