Cumberland CCR Documents (Bottom Ash Pond)
Surface Impoundment - Bottom Ash Pond
Closure - Post-Closure Plan
Alternative Closure
- No documents at this time.
Closure Plan
- 257-102(g)_NOI to Initiate Closure_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond (pdf, 273 KB)
- 257-102(b)_Written Closure Plan_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond (pdf, 329 KB)
Post-Closure Plan
- 257-104(d)_Written Post-Closure Plan_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond (pdf, 329 KB)
- No documents at this time.
Design Criteria
Emergency Action Plan
- No documents at this time.
Hazard Potential Classification
- 257-73(a)(2)_Periodic Hazard Potential Classification_CUF _Bottom Ash Pond 2021 - Final (pdf, 976 KB)
- 257-73(a)(2)_Hazard Potential Classification_CUF _Bottom Ash Pond (pdf, 2137 KB)
History of Construction
- 257-73(c)_History of Construction_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond (pdf, 7345 KB)
Liner Design
- 257-71_Liner Design_CUF _Bottom Ash Pond (pdf, 2528 KB)
- No documents at this time.
Safety Factor
- 257-73(e)_Seismic Safety Factor_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond (pdf, 2020 KB)
- 257-73(e)_Safety Factor_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond (pdf, 6693 KB)
- 257-73(e)_Periodic Static Safety Factor_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond 2021 - Final (pdf, 809 KB)
- 257-73(e)_Periodic Seismic Safety Factor_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond 2021 - Final (pdf, 1203 KB)
Structural Stability
- 257-73(d)_Structural Stability_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond (pdf, 562 KB)
- 257-73(d)_Periodic Structural Stability_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond 2021 - Final (pdf, 566 KB)
Groundwater Monitoring
Annual Groundwater Report
- 257-90(e)_Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond (pdf, 1850 KB)
- 257.90(e)_Annual_Groundwater_Monitoring_Report_CUF_Bottom_Ash_Pond_2023 (pdf, 14753 KB)
- 257.90(e)_Annual_Groundwater_Monitoring_Report_CUF_Bottom_Ash_Pond_2022 (pdf, 8062 KB)
- 257.90(e)_Annual_Groundwater_Monitoring_Report_CUF_Bottom_Ash_Pond_2021 (pdf, 8201 KB)
- 257.90(e)_Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond_2019 (pdf, 1614 KB)
- 257.90(e)_Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond_2018 (pdf, 4593 KB)
- 257.90(e)_Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond 2020 (pdf, 3509 KB)
Assessment Monitoring
- 257-95(g)_notification_appiv_gwps_exceed_CUF_bottom_ash_pond_year_end_2024 (pdf, 462 KB)
- 257-95(g)_notification_appiv_gwps_exceed_CUF_bottom_ash_pond_year_end_2023 (pdf, 158 KB)
- 257-95(g)_notification_appiv_gwps_exceed_CUF_bottom_ash_pond_midyear_2024 (pdf, 134 KB)
- 257-95(g)_notification_appiv_gwps_exceed_CUF_bottom_ash_pond_midyear_2023 (pdf, 116 KB)
- 257-95(g)_notification_appiv_gwps_exceed_CUF_bottom_ash_pond_2022 End of Year (pdf, 135 KB)
- 257-95(g)_notification_appiv_gwps_exceed_CUF_bottom_ash_pond_2022 (pdf, 135 KB)
- 257-95(g)_Notification AppIV GWPS Midyear Update_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond_2021 (pdf, 119 KB)
- 257-95(g)_Notification AppIV GWPS Midyear Update_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond_2020 (pdf, 135 KB)
- 257-95(g)_Notification AppIV GWPS Exceed_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond (pdf, 130 KB)
- 257-95(g)_Notification AppIV GWPS Annual Update_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond (pdf, 117 KB)
Corrective Measures
- 257-96(d)_Corrective Measures Assessment_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond (pdf, 15794 KB)
- 257-95(g)(5)_Corrective Measures Notification_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond (pdf, 57 KB)
- 257.97(a)_2025_11th_Semiannual_Progress_Report_CUF_Bottom_Ash_Pond (pdf, 8317 KB)
- 257.97(a)_2024_9th_Semiannual_Progress_Report_CUF_Bottom_Ash_Pond (pdf, 7675 KB)
- 257.97(a)_2024_10th_Semiannual_Progress_Report_CUF_Bottom_Ash_Pond (pdf, 7848 KB)
- 257.97(a)_2023_8th_Semiannual_Progress_Report_CUF_Bottom_Ash_Pond (pdf, 4812 KB)
- 257.97(a)_2023_7th_Semiannual_Progress_Report_CUF_Bottom_Ash_Pond (pdf, 4972 KB)
- 257.97(a)_2022_6th_Semiannual_Progress_Report_CUF_Bottom_Ash_Pond (pdf, 13309 KB)
- 257.97(a)_2022_5th_Semiannual_Progress_Report_CUF_Bottom_Ash_Pond (pdf, 7715 KB)
- 257.97(a)_2021_4th Semiannual Progress Report_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond (pdf, 6136 KB)
- 257.97(a)_2021_3rd Semiannual Progress Report_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond (pdf, 5551 KB)
- 257.97(a)_2020_2nd Semiannual Progress Report_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond (pdf, 2119 KB)
- 257.97(a)_2020_1st Semiannual Progress Report 1_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond (pdf, 2490 KB)
Detection Monitoring
- No documents at this time.
Groundwater Instrumentation
- 257-93(f)(6)_Statistical_Method_Cert_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond_Rev 1 (2022) (pdf, 273 KB)
- 257-93(f)(6)_Statistical Method Cert_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond (pdf, 155 KB)
- 257-91(f)_GW Monitoring System Cert_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond (pdf, 527 KB)
Location Restrictions
Fault Areas
- 257-62_Fault Areas_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond (pdf, 1091 KB)
Placement Above the Uppermost Aquifer
- 257-60_Aquifer_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond (pdf, 9563 KB)
Seismic Impact Zones
- 257-63_Seismic Impact Zones_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond (pdf, 100 KB)
Unstable Areas
- 257-64_Unstable Areas_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond (pdf, 13536 KB)
- 257-61_Wetlands_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond (pdf, 133 KB)
Operating Criteria
Air Criteria
- 257-80(c)_Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond 2024 (pdf, 108 KB)
- 257-80(c)_Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond 2023 (pdf, 107 KB)
- 257-80(c)_Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond 2022 (pdf, 108 KB)
- 257-80(c)_Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond 2021 (pdf, 108 KB)
- 257-80(c)_Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond 2020 (pdf, 286 KB)
- 257-80(c)_Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond 2019 (pdf, 108 KB)
- 257-80(c)_Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond 2018 (pdf, 20 KB)
- 257-80(c)_Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond 2017 (pdf, 20 KB)
- 257-80(c)_Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond (pdf, 20 KB)
- 257-80(b)_Fugitive Dust Control Plan_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond 2017 (pdf, 116 KB)
Inflow Design Flood Controls
- 257-82(c)_Periodic Inflow Design Flood Controls_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond 2021 - Final (pdf, 3483 KB)
- 257-82(c) _Inflow Design Flood Controls_CUF _Bottom Ash Pond (pdf, 13994 KB)
Inspection Requirements
- 257-84(b)(2)_Annual Inspection Report_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond 2020 (pdf, 5392 KB)
- 257-84(b)(2)_Annual Inspection Report_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond 2019 (pdf, 5638 KB)
- 257-84(b)(2)_Annual Inspection Report_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond 2018 (pdf, 22878 KB)
- 257-84(b)(2)_Annual Inspection Report_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond 2017 (pdf, 66100 KB)
- 257-83(b)(2)_Inspection Report_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond 2016.2 (pdf, 22561 KB)
- 257-83(b)(2)_Inspection Report_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond 2016 (pdf, 25612 KB)
- 257-83(b)(2)_Inspection Report_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond (pdf, 17980 KB)
- 257-83(b)(2)_Annual Inspection Report_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond 2024 (pdf, 8827 KB)
- 257-83(b)(2)_Annual Inspection Report_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond 2023 (pdf, 12292 KB)
- 257-83(b)(2)_Annual Inspection Report_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond 2022 (pdf, 4963 KB)
- 257-83(b)(2)_Annual Inspection Report_CUF_Bottom Ash Pond 2021 (pdf, 17333 KB)