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CCR Rule Compliance Data and Information

In April 2015, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) passed regulations—generally known as the  CCR Rule—that govern the disposal of coal ash (coal combustion residuals or CCRs). The CCR Rule establishes technical requirements for CCR landfills and surface impoundments under subtitle D of the  Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), the central federal regulatory program governing the recycling and disposal of solid waste.

On this page, you will find fact sheets and links to the required CCR information for each of our former and current fossil plants. Unless provided otherwise in the CCR Rule, information posted to these pages will be available for a period no less than five years from the initial posting date.


Following guidelines in the CCR Rule, TVA identified six of its sites where coal combustion residuals (CCR) are stored that required additional testing of groundwater and an assessment of corrective measures (ACM). This process identifies what potential actions can be taken where constituents were found at statistically significant levels above site-specific groundwater protection standards. The process included two years of groundwater monitoring to confirm that constituents above groundwater protection standards exist in onsite monitoring wells. In general, levels of constituents are stable, and in some cases, decreasing.

At each of the locations, TVA will continue to monitor these conditions and take action as needed. Three of the plants being posted – Allen, Colbert, and Johnsonville, are closed and no longer creating CCR. Long-term remedies in Tennessee will be determined pending decisions on the TDEC Order environmental investigations at each site. At least 30 days prior to when a final remedy is selected, a public meeting will be held with the interested and affected parties to discuss the results of the corrective measures assessment.

Allen Coal Combustion Residuals

Allen Fossil Plant has three coal-fired generating units with a summer net capability of 741 megawatts. The coal-fired units will be replaced with natural gas generation in 2018.

Bull Run Coal Combustion Residuals

Bull Run has one coal-fired generating unit with emission control equipment and a summer net capability of 863 megawatts.

Colbert Coal Combustion Residuals

Colbert had five coal-fired generating units. Unit 5 was idled in October 2013. The last remaining unit was idled on March 23, 2016. Eight simple-cycle combustion turbine units also operate at the site.

Cumberland Coal Combustion Residuals

Cumberland has two coal-fired generating units with a summer net capacity of 2,470 megawatts.

Gallatin Coal Combustion Residuals

Gallatin has four coal-fired generating units with a summer net capacity of 976 megawatts. Eight simple-cycle combustion turbine units also operate at the site. Emissions controls have been installed on all four units.

John Sevier Coal Combustion Residuals

John Sevier’s four coal-fired units were retired by June 2014. An 870-megawatt natural gas plant continues to operate at the site.

Johnsonville Coal Combustion Residuals

Johnsonville’s ten coal-fired units are retired. Twenty simple-cycle combustion turbine units also operate at the site.

Kingston Coal Combustion Residuals

Kingston has nine coal-fired generating units with a summer net capacity of 1,398 megawatts.

Paradise Coal Combustion Residuals

Paradise has one coal-fired generating unit with a summer net capacity of 971 megawatts. The other two coal-fired units were retired.

Shawnee Coal Combustion Residuals

Shawnee has nine coal-fired generating units with a summer net capacity of 1,206 megawatts. Unit 10 was retired in June 2014. Emission control equipment has been added to Units 1 and 4.

Widows Creek Coal Combustion Residuals

Widows Creek’s eight coal-fired units are retired.


This website is intended to satisfy the requirement under the CCR Rule, 40 C.F.R. § 257.107, to maintain a publically accessible internet site containing the information specified in that section. The required information will be posted according to the deadlines and timeframes set forth in the CCR Rule.