John Sevier CCR Documents (Bottom Ash Pond)
Surface Impoundment - Bottom Ash Pond
Closure - Post-Closure Plan
Alternative Closure
- No documents at this time.
Closure Plan
- 257-102(b)_Written Closure Plan_JSF_Bottom Ash Pond (pdf, 270 KB)
- 257.102(i)_Notification Recording Deed Notation_JSF_Bottom Ash Pond (pdf, 74 KB)
Post-Closure Plan
- 257-104(d)_Written Post-Closure Plan_JSF_Bottom Ash Pond (pdf, 270 KB)
- No documents at this time.
Closure Status
Annual Closure Implementation Report
- No documents at this time.
Closure by Completion Notification
NOI to Initiate Closure
Design Criteria
Emergency Action Plan
- 257-73(a)(3)(i)(E) _Annual Face-to-Face meeting_JSF_Bottom Ash Pond 2024 (pdf, 178 KB)
- 257-73(a)(3)(i)(E) _Annual Face-to-Face meeting_JSF_Bottom Ash Pond 2023 (pdf, 226 KB)
- 257-73(a)(3)(i)(E) _Annual Face-to-Face meeting_JSF_Bottom Ash Pond 2022 Rev 1 (pdf, 222 KB)
- 257-73(a)(3)(i)(E) _Annual Face-to-Face meeting_JSF_Bottom Ash Pond 2022 (pdf, 220 KB)
- 257-73(a)(3)(i)(E) _Annual Face-to-Face meeting_JSF_Bottom Ash Pond 2021 (pdf, 396 KB)
- 257-73(a)(3)(i)(E) _Annual Face-to-Face meeting_JSF_Bottom Ash Pond 2020 (pdf, 806 KB)
- 257-73(a)(3)(i)(E) _Annual Face-to-Face meeting_JSF_Bottom Ash Pond 2019 (pdf, 232 KB)
- 257-73(a)(3)(i)(E) _Annual Face-to-Face meeting_JSF_Bottom Ash Pond (pdf, 155 KB)
Hazard Potential Classification
- 257-73(a)(2)_Periodic Hazard Potential Classification_JSF_Bottom Ash Pond 2023 (pdf, 902 KB)
- 257-73(a)(2)_Hazard Potential Classification_JSF_Bottom Ash Pond (pdf, 847 KB)
History of Construction
- 257-73(c) _History of Construction_JSF_Bottom Ash Pond (pdf, 98555 KB)
Liner Design
- 257-71_Liner Design_JSF_Bottom Ash Pond (pdf, 2908 KB)
- No documents at this time.
Safety Factor
- 257-73(e) _Safety Factor_JSF_Bottom Ash Pond (pdf, 47 KB)
Structural Stability
- 257-73(d)_Structural Stability_JSF_Bottom Ash Pond (pdf, 1759 KB)
- 257-73(d)_Periodic Structural Stability_JSF_Bottom Ash Pond 2023 (pdf, 1669 KB)
Groundwater Monitoring
Annual Groundwater Report
- 257-90(e)_Annual_Groundwater_Monitoring_Report_JSF_Bottom_Ash_Pond_2023 (pdf, 15077 KB)
- 257-90(e)_Annual_Groundwater_Monitoring_Report_JSF_Bottom_Ash_Pond_2022 (pdf, 6496 KB)
- 257-90(e)_Annual_Groundwater_Monitoring_Report_JSF_Bottom_Ash_Pond_2021 (pdf, 7874 KB)
- 257-90(e)_Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report_JSF_Bottom Ash Pond_2020_2 (pdf, 4073 KB)
- 257-90(e)_Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report_JSF_Bottom Ash Pond_2020 (pdf, 2838 KB)
- 257-90(e)_Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report_JSF_Bottom Ash Pond (pdf, 7709 KB)
Assessment Monitoring
- 257-95(g)_notification_appiv_gwps_JSF_bottom_ash_pond_mid_year_2024 (pdf, 124 KB)
- 257-95(g)_notification_appiv_gwps_exceed_jsf_bottom_ash_pond_midyear_2023 (pdf, 118 KB)
- 257-95(g)_notification_appiv_gwps_exceed_jsf_bottom_ash_pond_end_year_2023 (pdf, 122 KB)
- 257-95(g)_Notification_AppIV_GWPS_Exceed_JSF_Bottom_Ash_Pond_2022 (pdf, 151 KB)
- 257-95(g)_Notification_Appiv_GWPS_Exceed_JSF_Bottom Ash Pond_2022_End of Year (pdf, 119 KB)
- 257-95(g)_Notification AppIV GWPS Exceed_JSF_Bottom Ash Pond_2020 (pdf, 133 KB)
- 257-95(g)_Notification AppIV GWPS Exceed__JSF_Bottom Ash Pond_2021 (pdf, 156 KB)
- 257-94(e)(3)_Assessment Monitoring Notification_JSF_Bottom Ash Pond (pdf, 89 KB)
Corrective Measures
- No documents at this time.
Detection Monitoring
- No documents at this time.
Groundwater Instrumentation
- 257.93(f)(6) Statistical Method Cert._JSF Bottom Ash Pond (pdf, 1900 KB)
- 257.91(f) GW Monitoring System Cert._JSF Bottom Ash Pond (pdf, 2281 KB)
Location Restrictions
Fault Areas
- 257-62_Fault Areas_JSF_Bottom Ash Pond (pdf, 47 KB)
Placement Above the Uppermost Aquifer
- 257-60_Aquifer_JSF_Bottom Ash Pond (pdf, 47 KB)
Seismic Impact Zones
- 257-63_Seismic Impact Zones_JSF_Bottom Ash Pond (pdf, 47 KB)
Unstable Areas
- 257-64_Unstable Areas_JSF_Bottom Ash Pond (pdf, 47 KB)
- 257-61_Wetlands_JSF_Bottom Ash Pond (pdf, 47 KB)
Operating Criteria
Air Criteria
- 257-80(c)_Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report_JSF_Bottom Ash Pond 2023 (pdf, 121 KB)
- 257-80(c)_Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report_JSF_Bottom Ash Pond 2022 (pdf, 121 KB)
- 257-80(c)_Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report_JSF_Bottom Ash Pond 2021 (pdf, 101 KB)
- 257-80(c)_Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report_JSF_Bottom Ash Pond 2020 (pdf, 267 KB)
- 257-80(c)_Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report_JSF_Bottom Ash Pond 2019 (pdf, 126 KB)
- 257-80(c)_Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report_JSF_Bottom Ash Pond 2018 (pdf, 8 KB)
- 257-80(c)_Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report_JSF_Bottom Ash Pond (pdf, 14 KB)
- 257-80(b)_Fugitive Dust Control Plan_JSF_Bottom Ash Pond 2019 (pdf, 568 KB)
Inflow Design Flood Controls
- 257-82(c) _Periodic Inflow Design Flood Controls_JSF_Bottom Ash Pond 2023 (pdf, 1464 KB)
- 257-82(c) _Inflow Design Flood Controls_JSF_Bottom Ash Pond (pdf, 1481 KB)
Inspection Requirements
- 257-83(b)(2)_Inspection Report_JSF_Bottom Ash Pond 2024 (pdf, 3562 KB)
- 257-83(b)(2)_Inspection Report_JSF_Bottom Ash Pond 2023 (pdf, 3226 KB)
- 257-83(b)(2)_Inspection Report_JSF_Bottom Ash Pond 2022 (pdf, 2991 KB)
- 257-83(b)(2)_Inspection Report_JSF_Bottom Ash Pond 2021 (pdf, 4591 KB)
- 257-83(b)(2)_Inspection Report_JSF_Bottom Ash Pond 2020 (pdf, 6217 KB)
- 257-83(b)(2)_Inspection Report_JSF_Bottom Ash Pond 2019 (pdf, 7181 KB)
- 257-83(b)(2)_Inspection Report_JSF_Bottom Ash Pond 2018 (pdf, 7812 KB)
- 257-83(b)(2)_Inspection Report_JSF_Bottom Ash Pond (pdf, 22226 KB)