Solar Assisted Charging for Battery Electric and Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Project Description
The Solar-Assisted Charging for Battery and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles project is designed to investigate and integrate renewable generation (solar) and electric vehicle charging systems in support of public shared-vehicle business models.
Project Implementation: The first part of this project provides funds to develop processes for the selection of a turnkey service provider, system design, siting, construction, commissioning, reporting/verification and management of solar-assisted electric vehicle and plug-in hybrid vehicle charging stations.
Research will be conducted to gather empirical data to support additional charging infrastructure development for the TVA region. Examples of target sites include regional colleges and universities, airports, and cities with strong support of regional transit systems and existing shared vehicle programs.
TVA will be responsible for identifying, selecting and formalizing a contractual agreement with a turnkey provider of service; developing a process to identify potential project stakeholders, participants and site hosts; leveraging and expanding existing work to develop generic design and site selection criteria; developing and implementing a milestone schedule for charging station deployment, including applicable reviews and certifications; overseeing high-level project activities and milestones to ensure they stay within scope and budget.
The Project Management Firm, or contractors hired to build the charging stations, will be responsible for (a) Developing appropriate site host agreements to ensure compliance and maximize the utilization of the system; (b) Managing logistical details for each project site, including applicable solicitations, contracts, permitting and zoning with site host and applicable stakeholders adhering to TVA criteria; (c) Modifying generic TVA-provided design to produce a site-specific design with project parameters, minimum solar PV panel size of 2-kW per space, with one AC-Level 2 (240V) electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) unit installed per parking space; (d) Coordinating stakeholder interests; (e) Selecting subcontractors and supervising construction activities to ensure all codes, standards, and permitting processes are followed; (f) Ensuring quality standards of charging station construction and compliance through site commissioning and reporting activities; (g) Coordinating public education and outreach with TVA and site hosts to raise awareness of the charging station, its functionality and availability; and (h) Reporting charging station and vehicle usage, project activities and progress to TVA through the Jan. 22, 2018, project end date.
Project Milestones | Dates* |
Identify suitable candidates and select a project management firm | 2013 |
Create and implement process (solicit proposals) to identify/rank potential site hosts and shared-vehicle program providers | 2014–2015 |
Develop host site agreement | 2015 |
Identify site hosts and implement/select shared vehicle provider | 2015–2016 |
Sites commissioned/vehicles deployed | 2016-2017 |
Reporting | Monthly & semi-annually |
* Dates are tentative and subject to change
EPA Agreement Five-Year Budget
$3 million