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EPA Mitigation Projects

Clean energy, clean air: TVA agreed with the EPA to undertake these groundbreaking renewable energy and energy-efficiency programs in line with its vision for a leaner, greener future.

In April of 2011, TVA’s board of directors approved clean air agreements with the Environmental Protection Agency, four states and three environmental groups. The agreements resulted in 11 projects that supported TVA’s vision for low-cost and cleaner energy. These projects were to be implemented within five years from the date of their approval. Ten of the 11 are now complete.

TVA agreed to spend $290 million, and in addition to provide $60 million to the states of Alabama, Kentucky, North Carolina and Tennessee for state environmental mitigation projects. Read more about TVA’s Environmental EPA Environmental Projects.

TVA’s projects are as follows. Click on the name to get more information about the program.


Industrial Custom and Prescriptive Efficiency Assistance–Project Complete

TVA funded energy evaluations and consulting for industrial end-users and provided incentives for associated energy efficiency improvements. TVA has met its obligation for this project. Find out more about what TVA has to offer business and industry customers at EnergyRight.com.

Landfill (or Wastewater Treatment) Methane Gas Capture and Generation

This project utilized TVA’s Renewable Standard Offer program to identify and implement landfill gas- and digester gas-fueled electric power generation project opportunities in the TVA power service territory. TVA has met its obligation for this project.

Medium Duty Plug in Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

This project, sponsored by the Department of Energy through the Electric Power Research Institute, provided opportunities for local power companies in the Tennessee Valley to deploy medium-duty plug-in hybrid electric vehicles as part of their service fleets. Project complete.

Smart Communities

Smart Communities was a $50 million project which was made up of two smaller projects: “Smart Energy Technologies” (SET) and “Extreme Energy Makeovers” (EEM). TVA has met its obligation for this project.

Solar Assisted Charging for Battery Electric and Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles

The Solar-Assisted Charging for Battery and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles project was designed to investigate and integrate renewable generation (solar) and electric vehicle charging systems in support of public shared-vehicle business models. Project complete.

Solar Photovoltaic Installations

The Tennessee Valley Authority utilized the EPA Solar Photovoltaic Project to test the feasibility of a community solar business model within the Tennessee Valley region. TVA has met its obligation for this project.

Voltage Optimization

TVA promoted a voltage optimization program with local power companies that operate distribution feeder voltages in the lower half of the ANSI standard voltage range, thereby reducing energy consumption annually. TVA has met its obligation for this project.

Waste Heat Recovery/Combined Heat and Power

This project will utilize waste heat conversion technologies to recover waste heat from an industrial process to generate a total of approximately 5 MW of clean electricity.

Whole Home Energy Efficiency Upgrades–Project Complete

TVA leveraged its EnergyRight Solutions for Existing Homes program to provide homeowners with expert advice, financing, and lists of qualified contractors for energy efficient improvements to homes.