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Waste Heat Recovery/Combined Heat and Power

Project Description

This project focuses on conventional waste heat recovery (WHR) technologies, where industrial waste heat is captured, recovered and converted to electricity (5 MW or greater), as well as combined heat and power (CHP) technologies, which utilize a single fuel source such as natural gas, biogas, biomass or waste heat to produce two energy outputs: electricity and heating/cooling. TVA seeks to complete this project through leveraging funds with large industrial customer(s). This initiative will result in the award of at least one project depending on the level of matching funds from industrial customer proposals, which was completed through a previous Request for Proposals (RFP) process.

Project Implementation

An RFP was issued to directly served and local power company served industrial customers located in the TVA service area. TVA will provide minimal technical guidance and financial assistance towards the capital cost of the project, with progress payments to be made during fiscal years 2016 through 2020. Proposals were to include, but not be limited to the following:

  • Description of project including the technologies to be used and major equipment
  • Net amount of electricity produced and estimated capacity factor
  • Total capital cost (including breakdown by cost elements)
  • Total capital funding assistance requested from TVA and detail on capital funding assistance per milestone
  • Project schedule and major milestones

TVA Project Schedule

Project MilestonesDates* 
RFP issued to industrial customersAugust 3, 2015 
External webinar—RFP proposalSeptember 2015 
Proposals DueDecember 2015 
Evaluate and award contractMarch 2016 
Environmental permitting and reviewsAugust 2016 
Detailed design and engineering packageDecember 2016 
Design review and approvalDecember 2017 
Equipment procurementMay 2017 
Begin site preparationJune 2018 
Begin construction, develop operating proceduresOctober 2018 
Construction completeSeptember 2019 
System prove-out, operator training December 2019 
 Commercial operation and project completion April 2020 
 Final report to the EPA June 2020 

* Dates are tentative and subject to change