Proposed Section 26a Permit for Nottely Marina Inc. on Nottely Reservoir
TVA is considering a Section 26a permit request from Nottely Marina Inc. to construct a new floating dock (20’L x 13’W) and access walkway. Nottely Marina will also be modifying their existing approved marina infrastructure by removing a portion that received storm damage. Additionally, the harbor limits for Nottely Marina will be modified and increased to correct an oversight in the current permit. The footprint of the existing facilities will be reduced, and the new dock will be within the existing harbor limits. The pervious harbor limits were permitted at 2.3 acres and the new limits will increase to 2.7 acres. The project is located on Nottely Reservoir at Nottely River Mile 34.5 (right bank) (34.896481, -84.003037), in Union County, Georgia.
TVA is interested in receiving comments regarding the action’s potential to affect the environment or historic properties and to identify any other issues associated with this request prior to making a permit decision. Any comments received, including names and addresses, will become part of the administrative record and will be available for public inspection. All written comments on this proposed action must be received on or before September 27, 2024. Written comments may be mailed to the address below or emailed to [email protected].
Proposed plans for review.
More information on this land action can be obtained from:
Austin Jenkins
[email protected]
400 West Summit Hill Drive, WT 11A-K
Knoxville, TN 37902