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Complaint Resolution Process

TVA’s Complaint Resolution Process (CRP) is monitored Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. If you are experiencing an issue with your electric service account, TVA may be able to help.

For power outages, please contact your Local Power Company. Their teams assess local conditions and repair electric service, so they can better inform you when power may be restored. Consider checking the LPC website, Facebook, or other LPC social media for updates.

If you need assistance with a matter that is not related to a power outage or have been unable to resolve an issue or complaint with your electric service account through discussions with your Local Power Company, TVA’s Complaint Resolution Process can assist you.

How Can I Initiate a Complaint?

  • If you are a consumer of a TVA-served local power company, please fill out the form below and you will be contacted by TVA.
  • Complaints may also be filed by calling the TVA Regulatory Hotline toll-free at (888) 289-8409, or by email at [email protected].

Initiate a Complaint

What Can I Expect from TVA?

TVA will:

  • Investigate your complaint
  • Help you answer your questions
  • Attempt to resolve the complaint

TVA will not:

  • Provide legal services that are sometimes required to settle complicated issues

How the Process Works

  • The process begins when a complaint is initiated.
  • TVA will then contact you to gather additional information.
  • A resolution will be communicated to you and to your local power company.

If You Need Further Assistance

  • Please review the  Frequently Asked Questions.
  • If you wish to submit a complaint by phone or need assistance with the online form, please call the TVA Regulatory Hotline toll-free at (888) 289-8409, email [email protected] or call the TVA Ombudsman at (865) 632-8133.