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Wilson Taylor is TVA’s ombudsman for external stakeholders.

TVA’s ombudsman provides an independent channel for mediating stakeholder complaints or concerns about TVA activities that affect the public.

What does the ombudsman do? 

  • He complements and strengthens TVA’s existing avenues for working with the public. 
  • He works collaboratively with TVA organizations to resolve complaints.
  • He takes up matters at the request of stakeholders who have completed complaint processes already in place. If a complaint can be addressed through an existing channel, it will be referred to that process.

What does the ombudsman not do?

  • He does not replace existing processes.
  • He does not independently resolve disputes.
  • He does not handle complaints from customers or suppliers.

How can I contact the ombudsman?

Email the ombudsman, or contact him by phone at (865) 632-8133.

How else does TVA listen?

TVA has several other avenues for hearing from the public, including

  • Direct interaction with TVA field staff  
  • Public meetings and open houses
  • Hearings and listening sessions
  • Internet communications and other dialogue. 
  • Ratepayer  Complaint Resolution Process

To contact TVA via other routes, see our  Contact TVA page.