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Wilbur Dam

Wilbur Dam

Beautiful Wilbur Reservoir, two rivers miles from Watauga Dam, is surrounded by the Cherokee National Forest and flanked by the Appalachian Mountains.

Wilbur Dam on the Watauga River in northeast Tennessee is located in some of the most beautiful country in the Tennessee River watershed. Even in the dog days of summer, Wilbur remains cool—with a constant breeze blowing through the Watauga River gorge.

Two hydroelectric generating units were installed at Wilbur Dam when it was completed in 1912, and a third generating unit was added in 1926. A fourth was added by TVA when it acquired the dam in 1945.

Wilbur: Facts & Figures

  • Construction of Wilbur Dam began in 1909 and was completed in 1912.
  • TVA didn't build Wilbur Dam but acquired the property in 1945.
  • The dam is 76 feet high and stretches 375 feet across the Watauga River.
  • Wilbur Dam is a hydroelectric facility. It has four generating units with a summer net dependable capacity of 11 megawatts. Net dependable capacity is the amount of power a dam can produce on an average day minus the electricity used by the dam itself.
  • Find Wilbur Dam at 774 Wilbur Dam Rd., Elizabethton, Tenn.

More Information on Wilbur Reservoir

Daily Lake Level

Recreation Release Schedule