Watts Bar School Pairings
If an incident involving an actual or potential radiological release occurs at Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, first consideration will be given to the safety of children.
If a Site-Area Emergency is declared at the plant, students in the 10-mile Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) will be relocated to paired schools in a safe area. Children will be under the supervision of school officials at all times during and after the
To allow school officials to move the children quickly and safely, without causing unnecessary delay, do not attempt to pick up children at the schools once the relocation order is issued.
A list of schools in the
EPZ and the paired schools where the children will be taken is provided below. (Sector location is given in parentheses.)
McMinn County Schools
E.K. Baker School (C-6)
Relocated to: McMinn Central High School, Etowah, TN
Meigs County Schools
Head Start North (C-2)
Relocated to: McMinn Central High School, Etowah, TN
Meigs County High School (C-8)
Relocated to: McMinn Central High School, Etowah, TN
Meigs Middle School (C-8)
Relocated to: McMinn Central High School, Etowah, TN
Meigs North Elementary School (C-2)
Relocated to: McMinn Central High School, Etowah, TN
Rhea County Schools
Rhea County Middle and High School (D-6)
Relocated to: Soddy-Daisy High School, Soddy-Daisy, TN
Spring City Elementary School (A-7)
Relocated to: Cumberland County High School, Crossville, TN
Spring City Middle School (A-7)
Relocated to: Cumberland County High School, Crossville, TN
Rhea County Childcare Facilities
Cedine Bible Camp (A-5)
Relocated to: Harriman High School, Harriman, TN
Rhea County Alternative School (D-6)
Relocated to: Soddy-Daisy High School, Soddy-Daisy, TN
Rhea County Alternative School II (D-6)
Relocated to: Soddy-Daisy High School, Soddy-Daisy, TN
Rhea County Preschool (D-6)
Relocated to: Soddy-Daisy High School, Soddy-Daisy, TN
Select the image for a high resolution map.