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Connectivity and Health in Orchard  Knob

Connectivity and Health in Orchard Knob

Combining public Wi-Fi connectivity with energy efficient home improvements, Orchard Knob Collaborative is creating a healthier, safer and more economically viable community.

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The Orchard Knob Collaborative, a multi-stakeholder partnership including Parkridge Health System, the Orchard Knob Neighborhood Association, EPB, Habitat for Humanity, green|spaces and The Enterprise Center, has a vision for a vibrant and thriving Orchard Knob community that is healthy, safe and economically viable. By working together, Orchard Knob Collaborative is determined to improve the health and well-being of approximately 1,000 residents through this pilot project.

As the pandemic continues to demonstrate, the digital divide is a systemic barrier to success and public health in the 21st Century. Almost no aspect of life remains untouched by technology, and both access to, and understanding of, these technologies remains critical to modern life. Prior to this pilot project, however, Orchard Knob – a historically underserved neighborhood in Chattanooga – only had one public Wi-Fi access point.

Connectivity and health in orchard knob illustration


Pilot Illustration orchard knob

The Orchard Knob Collaborative pilot project improves connectivity access and health outcomes through a multifaceted approach. This pilot project is expanding broadband access, adding walkable public Wi-Fi and providing digital literacy training to residents of the Orchard Knob neighborhood. To improve health outcomes, this pilot project is providing energy-efficiency improvements to homes, Smart Home options and telehealth technologies. The combination of increased connectivity with home improvements results in a future-ready, Smart Community approach to connectivity and an improved quality of life for those who live in the Orchard Knob neighborhood.

Together with EPB, the Orchard Knob Collaborative installs 21 access points across the neighborhood in high-traffic areas that allow for public Wi-Fi access. Additionally, the Orchard Knob Collaborative works with neighborhood residents to ensure that all have broadband internet access in their homes either through EPB’s dedicated program for qualified students located in the neighborhood or through the Emergency Broadband Benefit program provided by the Federal Communications Commission.

Providing internet is the first step – digital literacy classes and devices for connecting to the internet are important as well. To address this, Tech Goes Home (TGH) partners with schools, public libraries, churches and other community anchors in Orchard Knob to offer free, 15-hour courses designed to help residents use the internet and smart technologies to positively impact their daily lives. Participants can then purchase a new Chromebook or tablet for a small fee and take advantage of free, ongoing TGH-sponsored digital skills development opportunities.

Twenty-four households receive a Smart Home retrofit through Habitat for Humanity that will include HVAC upgrades, Internet of Things (IoT) integration and home repairs to provide more equitable access to connected services. green|spaces installs indoor sensors in each home to monitor environmental factors to learn how certain environmental factors impact public health. These home retrofits help residents decrease both their carbon footprint and utility bills.


Success for this pilot project is measured by:

  1. The number of houses upgraded
  2. Number of residents trained via Tech Goes Home
  3. Number of public Wi-Fi user sessions
  4. Number of telehealth visits
  5. Number of users on the community resource hub

These metrics help the Orchard Knob Collaborative understand the frequency of use of newly installed Wi-Fi access points as well as overall participation in the pilot project.

Key Levers for Success

This pilot project leans on the knowledge and expertise of various partner organizations to reach its many outlined goals. Many members of the project team were already working together in support of other neighborhood initiatives within Orchard Knob. This strong foundation of partnership is important for the success of the pilot project. In addition, without the support of the neighborhood, along with the other organizations, it would be difficult to achieve such success.

Another important piece of this pilot project is the intertwined nature of many aspects of the project. For example, providing internet without digital literacy classes may not help more residents increase their connectivity. By thinking holistically, the pilot project aims to provide all aspects of connectivity to the neighborhood.

Parkridge Medical Center

The Team

The Enterprise Center (TEC) unites people, organizations and technology to build an advanced and inclusive future for the community. Chattanooga is a pioneer in developing, testing and scaling smart technology designed to improve urban life. TEC convenes The Chattanooga Smart Community Collaborative, a group of institutions focused on conducting research and developing technology that serves residents.

Orchard Knob Collaborative (OKC) began in the fall of 2019. Tom Ozburn, CEO of Parkridge Health Systems, and Marvene Noel, president of the Orchard Knob Neighborhood Association, began recruiting other partners to form the OKC. The goal of the partnership is to direct investments from Parkridge and their partners to neighborhood priorities, addressing the social determinants of health through improvements to physical infrastructure, social infrastructure and healthy living.

Parkridge Health System is in Orchard Knob and offers compassionate care alongside advanced healthcare technology and innovative procedures. Through the OKC, Parkridge has demonstrated an unparalleled commitment to eliminating environmental factors exacerbating or at the root cause of ill health. The 275-bed hospital features comprehensive diagnostic and medical/surgical services, including cardiovascular surgery, cancer treatment, intensive care, orthopedic and spine surgery and rehabilitation.

Habitat for Humanity of Greater Chattanooga Area partners with corporations, churches, civic groups and individuals in the Chattanooga community to help them build or improve a place they can call home. Habitat homeowners achieve the strength, stability and independence they need to build a better life for themselves and for their families.

green|spaces is an award-winning 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to advancing the sustainability of living, working and building in the Chattanooga region. Their diverse programming leads individuals, organizations and communities through simple, practical and affordable steps to improve outcomes for the planet, people and the local economy.

EPB is Chattanooga’s municipal internet service and energy provider, was founded with the mission to “enhance quality of life for our customers and support local economic growth.” EPB made Chattanooga “The Gig City” by offering 1,000 Mbps residential internet speeds beginning in 2009. In 2015, EPB was the first in the world to offer 10,000 Mbps to every home and business in the community. Since then, EPB has continued to provide Chattanooga with reliable service, expanding energy solutions and state-of-the-art fiber optics technology, which spawned one of the nation’s smartest Smart Grids and has resulted in billions of dollars in local economic impact. Their commitment to the community, through initiatives like HCS EdConnect, remains a national model.

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