Providing Wi-Fi Access and Education to New Affordable Housing Projects
The Murfreesboro Housing Authority (MHA) and partners are revitalizing three properties to offer critical housing to eligible residents. Providing Internet access for these limited-income residents improves their access to a fair livelihood and is a necessary step for future connected services.
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Affordable housing has many benefits for limited-income residents, like stability and resources for success. However, the cost of internet access can be burdensome. The last few years have proven the importance of connectivity – whether to work or attend school remotely. Providing residents with free Wi-Fi connectivity not only helps improve quality of life but potentially lowers their energy bills when connectivity is coupled with tailored energy educational information. Connectivity also enables homes to be “smart home” ready so residents will have the opportunity to benefit, in the future, from new in-home technologies that automate energy reduction and make it easier to save.
Murfreesboro Housing Authority (MHA) is installing fiber internet at three affordable-housing complexes and will work with SmartMark Communications to create a digital literacy campaign to accompany the newly available Wi-Fi. Since the three participating MHA complexes are currently being built, the fiber cable installation can happen without interrupting residents’ lives. A unique aspect of this pilot project is the ability to tie together internet access and energy-saving information by providing tips and information regarding energy usage on a designated website. These tips can help residents reduce their energy bills, making this pilot project a win-win for residents. United Communications, a subsidiary of Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE), is installing the Wi-Fi and providing three years of free service to residents.
Success for this pilot project will be measured by the following:
- Resident satisfaction with internet availability
- Usage of internet by individuals and by unit
- Ease of internet access
- Resident behavioral changes
- Resident energy management changes
- Possible cost reductions
By tracking these metrics, MHA learns about the impact of greater online access to residents and gains information regarding energy usage changes.
Key Levers for Success
Bringing together experienced professionals; the local power company, MTE; and MHA leadership ensures there is community support for the pilot project and knowledge of how to make it successful. The goal of the project team is to lay the fiber and enable connectivity with minimal disruption to residents.
The Team
Thomas Rowe, CEO of Murfreesboro Housing Authority, is intimately familiar with the
operational rollout of the new facilities. He serves as a key mediator among the program’s
developers, technologists and project managers.
Juliet Shavit, president and CEO of SmartMark Communications, LLC, is a global expert on
customer education and innovation technology. She recently designed and implemented the
Connected Home and Small Business Demonstration in Annapolis, Maryland, where she worked
closely with the Housing Authority of the City of Annapolis on providing connecting technology
solutions to residents to reduce energy use.
Meredith Salefski Ponce, operational lead for SmartMark Communications, LLC, has
overseen large-scale technology and educational programs for more than a dozen utilities
and organizations across North America. She is a seasoned project manager responsible for
managing the implementation timeline and details.
Dylan Randall, head of digital innovation, SmartMark Communications, LLC, is an experienced
developer and technologist who oversees strategic selection and technology implementation for
all SmartMark’s programs, including the Connected Home and Small Business Demonstration.
Josh Lynch, chief customer officer, United Communications, is a driving force behind the
company’s commitment to the infrastructure and service delivery of this project.
Rick Jurosky, chief technology officer, MTE, is responsible for managing the planning,
construction and operation of network assets, including both fiber and wireless technologies.
Jodie Miller, director of customer operations, MTE, is devoted to the successful customer
experience for United Communications customers participating in the pilot.
Mackenzie Butts, business and communications administrative assistant, MTE, is instrumental
in day-to-day communications with the utility regarding the project.
Glenn Hollandsworth, programs manager, MTE, is responsible for managing MTE’s role in this project.
Photo Gallery
November 2022 progress photos