Paradise Coal Combustion Residuals
Paradise Fossil Plant ceased operation in February 2020 with the retirement of Unit 3. Units 1 and 2 retired in Spring 2017.

Unit boundaries shown are approximate and may vary in the technical demonstrations.
CCR Rule Document Libraries
View document libraries for the following CCR units on the Paradise site:
- Landfill - New CCR Landfill
- Surface Impoundment - Gypsum Disposal Area
- Surface Impoundment - Gypsum Disposal Area Stilling Pond 1
- Surface Impoundment - Gypsum Disposal Area Stilling Pond 2
- Surface Impoundment - Peabody Ash Pond
- Surface Impoundment - Slag Ponds 2A and 2B
- Surface Impoundment - Slag Stilling Pond 2C