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Allen Restoration Project

Originally built by Memphis Light Gas & Water (MLGW) in the 1950’s, TVA leased and then bought the Allen Fossil Plant in 1984 and operated it until its retirement in 2018. In 2016 – just prior to retirement and due to the site’s unique ownership structure - TVA entered into an agreement with the City of Memphis, Shelby County, MLGW, and the Port Commission to restore the site for future economic development. TVA owns the Allen plant and manages the coal ash. The other community partners own the coal ash and the disposal areas where the coal ash was stored on the Allen site.

In November 2021, after years of community outreach and extensive planning, and following regulatory requirements, TVA began removing coal ash from the site and transporting it to the South Shelby Landfill for storage in a modern, highly engineered, lined landfill cell. Additionally, TVA is addressing environmental conditions on the site to prepare the property for future redevelopment. The work is being performed under the supervision of the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC).

These efforts are in service to the community of Memphis. We are fulfilling our promise to restore the Allen site for the benefit of the community while ensuring the continued protection of the Memphis aquifer. The Memphis aquifer has not been impacted by activities at the retired Allen Fossil Plant and we want to keep it that way.

Ensuring the Continued Protection of the Memphis Aquifer


Remedial Investigations

TDEC Order Process

One of the core missions of TVA is taking care of the environment and natural resources. TVA works with regulators to ensure our actions are safe and effective and that our customized, science-based monitoring and management plans for coal ash sites across the Tennessee Valley meet or exceed regulatory requirements set forth by the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) and the  Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

As part of its compliance with the TDEC Commissioner's Order, TVA has conducted environmental studies at the former Allen Fossil Plant. Learn more about the TDEC Order.

TDEC Order Process Six Steps

Note: Environmental investigations are currently being conducted at the site. Conclusions about the presence or absence of risk at a CCR unit cannot be made based on the individual data results posted on this website. The collective data will be reported and evaluated in the Environmental Assessment Report (EAR). This will be used by TVA and TDEC to determine if further study is necessary. Conclusions about actions to be taken at the site will then be addressed in a Corrective Action/Risk Assessment (CARA) plan, after being made available for public review and comment.