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Online Application FAQ

What do I need to submit an application online?

  • Location where the activity will occur. You will be prompted to locate your site on a map.
  • Description of project including detailed drawings of the proposed construction or activity (including plan and profile views and dimensions). You can upload your own files, use standard drawings provided by TVA or mail in paper copies. File formats accepted are jpg, tiff, and pdf. Individual files cannot exceed 3MB in size. Names and addresses of adjoining property owners.
  • At least one photo of the project site; however, four photos are preferred. They should show the upstream, downstream, landward and lakeward view from the existing or proposed facility.
  • Information pertaining to any previous permits applied for including TVA permit numbers and dates.
  • Credit card to pay required fee. TVA also accepts electronic fund transfers from your bank account.

Can I choose a dock style other than those designs that are presented as standard drawings?

Yes, but a drawing of the proposed structure must be uploaded, mailed or delivered. Mailed information will require extra time for processing.

What if I need assistance with the online application system?

Once you start the application, instructions and more FAQs are available. Users may also submit questions to the Public Land Information Center.

Is this system only for private landowners?

No, the system also supports requests from industrial, commercial and public entities.

Can I apply if the proposed structure is not located on a TVA reservoir?

Yes, the system supports requests for projects not located on a TVA reservoir but within TVA’s jurisdiction.

How long will it take to receive a response from TVA once the application is submitted?

The time needed to review a request depends on the nature of the request. In general, we strive to issue permits for private water-use facilities within two months. If the application is not complete or other delays occur the review process may take longer. More complex projects and those involving special environmental studies can take significantly longer.

What if I do not have a credit card to pay online?

Larger retail stores sell cards with pre-loaded amounts. The system will also support bank drafts from an individual or business checking account.

Will my information be safe when I submit my application online?

TVA uses secure information processes to ensure all information is safe. The payment process is through the pay.gov system, and TVA does not handle or receive the bank or credit card information used to process payments.

What if I change my mind and no longer want a permit?

The system allows an applicant to withdraw their permit request; however, application fees are generally not refundable.