Minor projects and facilities include residential boat docks, piers, boathouses, pathways, sidewalks, walkways, steps, and boardwalks (less than 8 feet wide), floating cabins, shoreline stabilization (500 feet or less of shoreline), water intakes (less than 50,000 gallons per day), buoy lines and floating signs within approved harbor limits, and others.
Project Plan and Drawing
The project plan and drawing must accompany the application. It should:
- Be prepared on paper suitable for reproduction (8-1/2 by 11 inches)
- Identify the kind of structure and its purpose or intended use
- Show the principal dimensions, size, and location in relation to the shoreline and adjacent property boundaries
- Show the height of the structure above the water
- Show both the plan view (the project as viewed from above) and the elevation view (the project as viewed from the side)
- Indicate the river or reservoir name, river mile, locator landmarks and direction of water flow, if known.
Special Construction Standards
Some TVA-managed tributary rivers have special construction standards that apply only to them. Find information at these links:
NOTE: Site-specific conditions may impact the review and approval of your application. Application does not guarantee approval. Contact your local TVA Regional Representative for more information and clarification.