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Build a Relationship with TVA

Thank you for your interest in doing business with TVA!

TVA’s Supply Chain

Our Supply Chain organization supports a dynamic power portfolio that includes coal, nuclear, hydroelectric, natural gas and renewables. We manage and optimize sourcing, procurement, freight, inventory and materials distribution among the TVA fleet to help ensure reliable operations.

We buy materials and services from suppliers that provide the highest quality for lowest total cost of ownership. Although TVA already has standing relationships with many suppliers, we are always looking to develop relationships with new suppliers.

What We Buy

TVA purchases a wide variety of materials and services, including equipment, repairs, professional services and more. Major categories include facilities, energy efficiency and travel; fuel, byproducts and steel; information technology; logistics; modifications and engineering services; maintenance, repairs and operations; major plant/transmission equipment and services; marketing and media services; and travel, meetings and fleet. Click here for a more complete list.

Introduce your Business to TVA

The best way to introduce your business to TVA is by using the “Complete Your Introduction” link below. This will add your company’s information to a database available to all TVA sourcing representatives. As opportunities arise, a TVA sourcing representative may query this database to identify suppliers that match TVA’s need and selection criteria. However, your registration does not guarantee that you will be awarded TVA business.

Complete Your Introduction