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Sequoyah Emergency Preparedness

If you hear the sirens:

Check it out—it could be only a test. Siren tests last for approximately three minutes and occur in your area on the first Wednesday of each month at noon. If there is severe weather in the area at the time of a scheduled test, the sirens may not be tested.

Remember: Hearing a siren or tone-alert radio does not mean you should evacuate. It means turn on your radio or television and listen for instructions.

Tune to your local radio or television station and listen for details. WUSY-FM (100.7) in Chattanooga is the primary EAS station in the area and is monitored by other stations.

Most radio and television stations in the area participate in the EAS and will be making announcements. NOAA weather radio (162.55 MHz) will instruct listeners to tune to one of these stations.

Check on your neighbors.

Do not use the phone unless absolutely necessary. The phone lines need to be open for emergency workers. Do not call 911 for information if you hear the sirens.

If the warning involves an incident at Sequoyah, you might be advised to go indoors and close all windows, doors and other sources of outside air. You may be advised to monitor and prepare or you may be advised to leave (evacuate) your area. Click here for additional information.

If told to "go inside—stay inside"

This means go inside the nearest safe building or structure (building, home or business) and stay inside until further notification.

If you are advised to take shelter indoors

  • Go indoors and stay there.
  • Close all doors and windows.
  • Shut off all systems that draw outside air into the house such as furnaces, air conditioners, fireplace vents and dampers.
  • Stay tuned to your local EAS radio or television station. These are the best sources for information and instruction.
  • The primary EAS station for the area is WUSY-FM (100.7).
  • Prepare to evacuate.
  • If you must go outside, protect your breathing. Place a damp cloth or towel over your nose and mouth.
  • If you are told that it is safe to go outside, try to check on your neighbors. They may not have heard the announcements.
  • Do not use the phone unless you have a special emergency and need help. Leave the lines open for official business.

If you are advised to monitor and prepare

This is a precautionary action to advise the public within the Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) that a serious emergency at the nuclear plant exists and you should monitor the situation and prepare for the possibility of evacuation, shelter in place or other protective actions.

If you are advised to leave (evacuate) the area

  • Stay calm and do not rush. Evacuation can work properly and reduce your risk only if you act safely and calmly.
  • Take a few items with you. Gather personal items you or your family might need, using the checklist on this page.
  • Turn off lights, appliances and water.
  • As you leave, lock your house and tie a white cloth or white towel on your front door. This sign will let emergency workers know that everyone in your home has left the area.
  • Please leave your pets at home with plenty of food and water. Pets will NOT be allowed in the public shelters.
  • Use your own transportation or, if possible, make arrangements to ride with a neighbor. Keep car windows and air vents closed and listen to an EAS radio station.
  • Use the map below to find the sector in which you live and the evacuation route you should follow.
  • Follow the evacuation routes shown on the map. If you need a place to stay, shelter information points will be located along the controlled evacuation routes.
  • Do not self-evacuate if you do not live or work in the designated evacuation sector(s).
  • Go to the nearest reception center in your county and register as an evacuee.

If an evacuation is underway, members of the public who are NOT directed to evacuate should remain off the roadways to allow the evacuation to proceed.

School pairings

In the event of an evacuation, first consideration is always given to the safety of children. Schools and childcare centers within the 10-mile Emergency Planning Zone will be paired with schools in safe areas for relocation. Click here for the full list of pairings.

While you are away

  • Local police officers will secure the evacuated areas to protect homes and businesses.
  • ONLY authorized persons will be allowed into the evacuated areas.
  • Officials of the Tennessee Department of Radiological Health will monitor affected areas. You will be notified when it is safe to return home.

Evacuation zones, routes and map

If an evacuation is ordered, it is important that you follow the evacuation routes shown on the map below. The 10-mile Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) is divided into sectors. For quick reference, locate the sector in which you live or work and write it in the space below.

Find the evacuation route for your zone. If an evacuation is ordered, locate the number for your sector and follow that route. Emergency workers will patrol these roads and will provide any aid or guidance you need.

NOTE: Individuals in doubt as to sector of residence or work should contact their local emergency management agency.

Select the image to view high resolution map
