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Magnolia Combined Cycle Plant Emissions

What TVA is doing about emissions at Magnolia

  • Magnolia burns low-emitting natural gas.
  • All units are equipped with dry low-NOx burners and SCRs to reduce NOx emissions.

Magnolia Combined Cycle Plant Emissions


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Carbon dioxide
Nitrogen oxides
Sulfur dioxide

Toxics Release Inventory

2015 data

All amounts are in pounds

ChemicalAirWaterLandOff-Site DisposalTotal
Hydrochloric Acid (aerosol)    0
Hydrogen Fluoride    0
Sulfuric Acid (aerosol)    0
Ammonia77,000   77,000
Antimony Compounds    0
Arsenic Compounds    0
Barium Compounds    0
Beryllium Compounds    0
Cadmium Compounds    0
Chromium Compounds    0
Cobalt Compounds    0
Copper Compounds    0
Lead Compounds    0
Manganese Compounds    0
Mercury Compounds    0
Nickel Compounds    0
Selenium Compounds    0
Silver Compounds    0
Thallium Compounds    0
Vanadium Compounds    0
Zinc Compounds    0
Benzo(g,h,i)perylene    0
Naphthalene    0
Nitrate Compounds    0
Dioxin (grams)    0
Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds    0
Hydrazine    0


Gross MWh Generated:5,113,096
Pounds Released per MWh:0.015